Call For Availability

Want something we don’t have, or want a higher quantity of what’s in stock? We can order just for you! For hard-to-find plants, we can keep your info on-file incase we come across what you’ve been looking for!

Call (504) 347-8777 between 9am and 5pm Tues - Sat.


For Plant Identification & Problem Diagnosis…

Got Pests? Maybe a Plant Disease?

Bring us in photos, or bring in a piece of the plant!

We also answer questions on Facebook Messenger.

Search Facebook for Rose Garden & Pet Store, Inc.

Look for our logo!

Share Your Plant & Pet Pics With Us!

Got a new treat from us that your pets is loving?

Maybe a new plant that is THRIVING at home?

We love to hear about how you, your plants, and your pets are doing! Provide a quaility photo via Facebook Messenger or Instagram DMs to be feautred on our social feeds!

Search Instagram for rosegardenpetstore